Sponsoring a child

Sponsoring a child

Sponsoring a child who is in poverty is a way to change the world one child at a time.

You’re blessed

Most of us are blessed. We woke up this morning in a bed in a home that has heat or air conditioning. Our bathroom had not only clean water, but also had hot water!

Our refrigerator has food. We can cook the food with our appliances. When we’re bored, we sit down and are entertained with our television sets and phones.

And, if that isn’t enough, we can go pretty much anywhere with our cars! Many of us can afford an airplane trip.

Hopefully you’ll agree that you’re blessed.

People need help

Not everyone is as blessed as the readers of this post. If you want to get a sense of the areas with great need, you can reference the image below. https://ourworldindata.org/poverty

You can’t save the entire world by yourself. Many are in poverty because of oppressive people and governments who have the power to harm them directly or indirectly.

But, you can help one child. You can help one child grow up healthy and cared for. And you can give a child the message of Jesus Christ that will teach them to love and care for the people around them.


I heard about a company called Compassion years ago. This company allows you to sponsor a child who is in poverty. You pay $43 per month and the child gets the following:

  • An introduction to the gospel of Jesus.
  • Health care, including an annual medical exam.
  • Hygiene training.
  • Malnutrition monitoring and intervention.
  • Education and vocational training.
  • Mentorship, love and belonging.

According to Compassion their program shows the following results for sponsored kids:


When you sponsor a child you get the joy of being able to communicate with them. You can write letters and send pictures. They reciprocate with letters and drawings. It’s exciting when you get a new letter!

And, you can give additional gifts. Compassion encourages birthday and Christmas gifts. You can also give up to $1,100 per year to your sponsored child’s family and up to $15,000 to their center. (The center is the place where Compassion children gather to receive their aid.)

Marco and Joel

We started years ago by sponsoring Marco from Bolivia. We were able to sponsor him up through his graduation from the program. I have kept all of his letters and pictures. Our hope is that he is showing the love of Christ to his community and supporting a family.

Once Marco graduated, Compassion suggested Joel and we’ve been sponsoring him ever since.

A down side to the program is that once your sponsored child graduates you have no way to contact them any more.

Start now

I encourage you to go to the Compassion website and begin sponsoring a child today! The personal expense is very small and your rewards can not possibly be measured in monetary terms.

Go change the world!

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