Category: Uncategorized

  • God, Life and Fear

    I’m on a journey with God, traveling through fear and into life. I believe that God exists and that He actively works in His creation. But, that hasn’t automatically translated into a fearless life. God and fear I grew up going to church. I have numerous memories of being in our Baptist Church in Irwin,…

  • You are an Outlier

    You are an Outlier! This week I had to watch students for 3 hours while they worked. Boring! So, while I sat and watched, I decided to pull Malcolm Gladwell’s Outliers: The Story of Success from the shelf and re-read it. The book looks at people who are incredibly good at something and asks the…

  • Good out of bad

    The Bible tells the story of a young man named Joseph who goes through terrible times. But, God had a plan to bring something good out of something bad. Genesis 37- 48 Joseph Act I Joseph is the younger brother and Dad’s favorite son. So, his older brothers hate him. To make matters worse, he’s…

  • New Habits

    It’s the end of another year and that signals a tidal wave of desire to develop new habits. Unfortunately, most people’s new habits won’t make it past January. This post offers you strategies and encouragement as you choose and pursue your new habit. My Experience I have seen success in developing several habits. In 2019…

  • Going to Nationals

    Going to Bands of America (BOA) Nationals was a life-long dream for me. This dream was planted in me by LJ Hancock at Norwin H.S. during the 1980-82 seasons. My desire has been to pass on to my students the lessons that I learned in those years. Genesis of a dream I was a member…