Summer at Gimbels
Summer at Gimbels in the Eastland Mall. I’ve been talking about my college experience and the academic challenges that I faced. Today’s post will tackle one of my first summer jobs. I was a stock boy at Gimbels Department store in North Versailles, Pennsylvania. Make money I didn’t work a job during high school. Mom…
Out of my league
When my college classes started I realized that I was out of my league. I had the desire to be a great band director and I knew how to play trumpet and euphonium, but I knew absolutely nothing about the theory or history of music. This was going to be a big problem. What’s a…
My college experience
I began my college experience in the fall of 1983. I had made it into James Madison University (JMU) by the skin of my teeth and now I was going to pursue my dream of becoming a band director. Leaving home Many kids have parents who send them off to camp for a week in…
Bruce Weissert
My memories of Bruce “Bud” Weissert. I introduced Bruce Weissert in last week’s post. Bruce passed away in 2019 at the age of 59. This week I’ll expand on my experience as Bruce’s student. Meeting Bud I had taken private lessons on trumpet since fifth grade. My parents saw the value in getting me extra…
Going to College
Today I’m going to talk about the events that led me to go to college at James Madison University. I’ve explained in a previous post that I gravitated toward marching band in junior high school and then went all-in with my high school program. But, how could I take this passion and turn it into…