Category: Uncategorized

  • The Birth of WGI Wynds/STRYKE Wynds

    I am an avid believer in the value of the marching arts. So, I was intrigued when I was told in 2015 that Winter Guard International (WGI) was going to start an indoor winds division called WGI Winds. Marching arts indoors In 1994 I saw “Brass Theatre” while attending a summer music camp. My mind…

  • The Value of Silence

    I’m working my way through a book by John Mark Comer called, “The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry“. Our world is full of sounds. The ceiling fan hums, the clock ticks, a plane passes overhead, a dog barks, and that’s what you hear if you aren’t listening to the television or if you don’t have your…

  • Don’t just say, “hello”

    People are difficult to lead. Good leaders know that they have to develop relationships with the people around them. Great leaders practice systematic techniques to develop those relationships. Eyes Your eyes are the window of your soul. Think about that saying. You can look through windows. But, you can also be seen through windows. I’m…

  • Reflections on the Prodigal Son

    Recently I read a book by Henri Nouwen called, “The Return of the Prodigal Son“. The book centers around Nouwen’s experience studying Rembrandt’s painting by the same name. The original story was presented by Jesus and can be found in the 15th chapter of Luke in the Bible. Nouwen highlights the story’s three main characters:…

  • Practicing change

    I have spent my professional career as a band director working with students on music preparation. One of the keystones to that work has been the fundamental skill of “Practicing like you want to perform”. Students don’t come into a chorus or band class with an understanding of how to perform at the highest level.…