Category: Marching arts

  • Band is old America

    Band is old America. I’m a band director and I teach students to do something that used to be incredibly popular in America. But, how do I adjust to modern times? John Philip Sousa Nothing says band like, John Philips Sousa. He was a famous composer and band leader in the late 1800’s and early…

  • 2000 – 2003 growth

    My time at The King’s Academy (TKA) from 2000 – 2003 saw great growth, but most of that growth was unseen. We were establishing strong roots for the years to come. I believe that the key to success is developing a plan and then working that plan. If you don’t like your results then you…

  • 1999 Bands of America Nationals

    In 1999 I was able to realize the dream of taking a band to Bands of America (BOA) Nationals. I was in my 10th year as director of the Lynchburg Christian Academy (LCA) band. We had attended BOA regionals since 1995 and had won a regional class championship in 1997. Now was the time to…

  • Going to Nationals

    Going to Bands of America (BOA) Nationals was a life-long dream for me. This dream was planted in me by LJ Hancock at Norwin H.S. during the 1980-82 seasons. My desire has been to pass on to my students the lessons that I learned in those years. Genesis of a dream I was a member…

  • Entering the winner’s circle

    I’ve written in previous posts about my ambitions as a band director. I was propelled into directing with the desire to return to the Bands of America (BOA) winner’s circle. My first high school directing job was at Lynchburg Christian Academy (LCA). We made our first BOA run in 1995 and it was a BIG…