Category: Marching arts

  • Love of marching band

    This is part two in my love of marching band series. Last week I talked about my early years of involvement in the activity. This post will pick up with my college experience. JMU I mentioned in the previous post that I did not have good grades. I also said that my trumpet playing was…

  • I lived for marching band

    I lived for marching band from about 1979 – 2019. When I say that I lived for it, I mean it. I ate, slept and drank marching band. It took the combined efforts of a nasty separation (from a school) and a world-wide panic (Covid) to break this love. The roots The roots of this…

  • Marching band teaches focus

    Marching band teaches focus though unique elemental skills that must be simultaneously mastered during a performance. Getting started The foundation of marching band is learning to be still while maintaining excellent posture. This is the “attention” position. Every motion is detailed and dictated to the performer. Being still is like starting with a white canvas…

  • Reinventing myself

    I’ve been thinking a lot about reinventing myself. I’ve been running on a straight line since the late 70’s. But, the question for me is… what’s next? Dreams I spent the better part of three decades being driven by a dream. I wasn’t going to work in the morning, I was on a quest. That…

  • Marching arts in decline?

    Are the marching arts in decline? On April 2nd, DCI’s Cadets announced that they have filed for bankruptcy. 90 years of excellence could not save them from financial insolvency. The Cadets fall was hastened by the actions of their long time director, George Hopkins. There are stories online that you can read to get a…