Category: Book reviews

  • Biography on Henry Kissinger

    Today I’m reviewing Walter Isaacson’s Biography on Henry Kissinger. History is best understood by exploring the lives of key individuals. Kissinger played an central role in the Nixon and Ford administrations. He was a foreign policy rock star. Book stats This book is not for the fainthearted. The paperback is just short of 900 pages…

  • Book review 2023

    Finding a good book to read is like trying to find your needle in a needle stack. There are so many books to choose from. What follows is my book review for 2023. Click here for my complete list of books. I found it impossible to choose just one, so I decided to highlight a…

  • Hacking classroom management part 4

    Hacking classroom management part 4. We’ve been looking at the 10 hacks for classroom management from Mike Roberts’s book, “Hacking classroom management“. Check out hack 1 & 2 in post #1 and hack 3 & 4 in post #2. Hacks 5 – 7 were covered in post #3. I highly recommend that you check out…

  • Hacking classroom management part 3

    Hacking classroom management part 3. We’ve been looking at classroom management through the lens of the book, “Hacking Classroom Management” by Mike Roberts. Teachers can’t effectively communicate content to their class if the class is not well managed. Post number 1 dealt with Hack 1 It’s a classroom, not a bootcamp and Hack 2 Expect…

  • Hacking Classroom Management part 2

    Hacking classroom management part 2. Classroom management is a major concern for effective teachers. Last week we looked at the first two hacks in Mike Roberts’s book, Hacking Classroom Management, 10 ideas to help you become the type of teacher that they make movies about. (#1 It’s a classroom, not a bootcamp and & #2 Expect…