Author: ericdunn

  • Working at Long John’s

    Working at Long John’s. My last two blogs have talked about summer jobs that I had during my college years. You can read about them here. I’ll summarize the experiences by saying, they didn’t go well. Getting started Dad was emphatic that I make money during the summer. I decided to steer clear of the…

  • Working at Dollar Bargain

    Working at Dollar Bargain. Last week I talked about working at the Gimbels in the now defunct Eastland Mall. Things hadn’t gone well. It was a year later and I was, once again, looking for summer work. I returned to the Eastland Mall and found work at the Dollar Bargain store. Dollar Bargain was another…

  • Summer at Gimbels

    Summer at Gimbels in the Eastland Mall. I’ve been talking about my college experience and the academic challenges that I faced. Today’s post will tackle one of my first summer jobs. I was a stock boy at Gimbels Department store in North Versailles, Pennsylvania. Make money I didn’t work a job during high school. Mom…

  • Working for Norwin

    Working for Norwin. I’ve been talking about my college experience. I wanted to be a marching band director. That’s what drove me to college and that is why I was fighting my way through classes that confounded me. A practicum was required for one of my classes. I needed to observe a music program alongside…

  • Keyboard proficiency exam

    Keyboard proficiency exam. Now there is a weird title for a post. I’ve been talking about my college experience in my previous posts. Last week I talked about my troubles with music theory and music history. Those subjects were difficult, but neither troubled me more than the keyboard proficiency exam (KPE). What the heck is…