Author: ericdunn

  • My first two years of band directing

    My first two years of band directing began in 1988 in Northampton County, Virginia. I was offered a contract to be the middle school band director at Northampton County Middle school and I jumped at the chance to begin. The school is located in the thriving metropolis of Machipongo, Virginia. I had no idea what…

  • My first competition as a marching band director

    My first competition as a marching band director was in 1990. I was 25 years old and excited to have my first job as a high school director at Lynchburg Christian Academy (LCA). The band was small, but I wanted to put the marching band into competition as soon as possible. I said we were…

  • Producing a competitive marching band show

    Competitive marching band has been a big part of my life. I enjoyed being a performer and I loved being a director. When you say “marching band” to me, I see competitive marching band. But, if you say “marching band” to a group of people, you will get various different ideas of what they look…

  • Directing small bands

    When I decided to become a band director, I never saw myself directing small bands. But, for 35+ years, that is what I have been doing. Directing small bands requires a shift in thinking and approach for the director. This post will look at four B’s to improve your small band directing. Be yourself It’s…

  • Football, Band and I

    Last night was our first home football game of the year at Somerset Academy Canyons. This means football, band and I are spending time together again. Football, band and I have a long relationship and if you are a band director, you better like working long Friday’s in the fall. But, why spend all this…