Author: ericdunn

  • Cheers! and our need for connection

    Some of you may remember the tv show, “Cheers!“. This long running tv series offers insight into our need for connection and friendship. For those that haven’t seen it, Cheers is the name of a bar and the show focuses on the regular patrons. When they walk in, everyone knows them and they feel like…

  • Battling Anxiety

    The majority of the people you meet are battling anxiety. What follows is my personal story. The Beginning In my mid 30’s I began experiencing heart palpitations. I went to the doctor and completed numerous tests. The results showed that I was in great physical condition. The diagnosis was that my body was under stress…

  • Classroom management

    Teachers have two central concerns. How do we deliver content and how do we manage our classrooms? This post will delve into classroom management but we’ll see that management plays hand in glove with content delivery. Background I have been referred to as a “unicorn” in today’s educational environment. I went to James Madison University…

  • Teaching more than course content

    Teaching is a profession that has great rewards and challenges. I have enjoyed the former and endured the latter for over 30 years. Several years ago I became aware that my courses (band and chorus) must have more than just excellent delivery of content. If all I’m doing is training kids to play instruments and…

  • Hurry, hurry, hurry!

    We live in a world that is in a hurry. Speed is our god and we worship it every day. John Mark Comer has an excellent book, “The ruthless elimination of Hurry“. I’m going to hit on some of his high points in today’s blog. There’s more to life than speed Our world is hooked…