2006 TKA Bon Voyage show. This post will give an overview of the King’s Academy’s (TKA) 2006 Marching Lions show, “Bon Voyage”.
Before I get into the 2006 year, it’s important to get a little history of the band.
I came to TKA in the 2000 season. We started attending state championships in 2002, but didn’t distinguish ourselves till the 2004 season. In ’04 we placed 3rd at states. In ’05 we placed 2nd.
We had momentum. But, I had my eyes on a bigger prize. I wanted to make an impact on the national stage with Bands of America (BOA). State championships were small potatoes to me.
In 2002 we had attended a BOA regional and state championships. We had a small group of dedicated parents, and these two trips in one year wore them out.
I talked about it with my wife and we agreed, the band should do BOA or states, but not both.
In 2006 I decided to do BOA.
The 2006 season got off to a bad start. I had made some thoughtless comments and decisions that offended a key staff member.
This led to friction in the design and implementation of the program.
Simply put, we had parallel ideas that didn’t blend together. I take sole responsibility for these problems. I was the director and I should have figured out how to make it right. But, I didn’t.
The show
We played music from Arranger’s Publishing Company again. Unfortunately, at the time of this writing, I can’t recall the music titles and I don’t have a video of the performance.
I do remember that the music made me think about traveling. We had been using the technique of following the music for a few years. If the music sounded like a race, we’d do a race show (04). If the music sounded like a magic show, we’d do a magic show (05).
This show would be a travel show.
Small bands need something on the field that frames the band.
Our parents made backdrop scenery for us. These were large, triangular objects on wheels. The objects were rotated for each song/destination.
These backdrops also gave the colorguard a place to change equipment.
The only design element I remember was the ending. We wanted to give the effect of a ship coming into harbor. Coming home.
Basically it was a narrow V coming straight at the audience.
Short of the long. The design just didn’t work. The band tried to make it work, but it was awkward and forced.
If you design enough shows, you’re going to lay a few eggs. This one was big.
We came in 3rd place at the BOA St. Petersburg Regional. There were 4 bands in our class. We didn’t exactly make a big splash, but at least we weren’t 4th, right?
As we loaded the buses to leave the event I decided to abandon my desire to be a BOA band. I would take the band back to states next year.
I’d leave BOA to the big bands.
But, I had a larger concern. I was losing a key staff member and I needed help if we were going to win a state championship in ’07.
One response to “2006 TKA Bon Voyage”
[…] 2006 was a disappointing season. I was pleased with the performance of the band, but I was unhappy with the show design. I needed to do better in 2007. […]